
Diabetologist - endocrinologist Ioannis Litsas maintains a private practice in Thessaloniki. In a modern and patient-friendly environment, equipped with new technologies, the doctor offers diagnoses and treatments related to thyroid, diabetes and osteoporosis. Having extensive professional experience and an equally interesting academic background, the endocrinologist is constantly updated on new medical issues and new ways of dealing with health issues. The doctor's office is located in Evosmos, Thessaloniki, at 50-52 Megalou Alexandrou Street. The doctor receives appointments by appointment. The endocrinologist specializes in thyroid issues, providing modern treatments, based solely on the needs of each patient. Remember that the best treatment is prevention. Fight hormonal problems and disorders responsibly, which can easily affect the overall functioning of your body.


Mornings 10.00 - 14.00 except Friday by appointment

Afternoons 18.00 - 21.00 except Tuesday by appointment